Friday, November 5, 2010

The 37 Hour Date (Take two)

Originally posted on Sunday, April 27, 2008
The 37 Hour Date
How to describe it? Wonderful? Perfect? Incredible? Amazing? All good words, but woefully inadequate when it comes to my feelings about it. I will try to describe it as completely as possible without going into too much detail. (After all, some things are just too personal to share.)

So where to begin? At the beginning, I guess. However, even from the very beginning while talking over breakfast, something just felt different, just felt right. Never in my life have I been so comfortable with someone so quickly. Never in my life have I looked into someone's eyes and felt I was looking into a mirror image of my own heart and soul. That is, however, exactly what it felt like.....

Skip ahead to a few hours later at the mall. From walking around looking in the shops to smooching through (most of) Forgetting Sarah Marshall (it was a good movie, what we actually watched of it), I could tell that this was going to be no ordinary date by a long shot, and this was no ordinary man I was with. I've kissed my share of frogs, and could tell that now I finally found my prince. How could I know that so quickly, you ask? And on a first date too? Call it a gut feeling, women's intuition, or whatever you want......doesn't matter what you call it, doesn't matter if you believe it or not, all that matters is that the impossible finally became possible-I finally found the Love of a Lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. Hey baby. It was the best day of my life, and each day has proven you were the best decision I ever made. I love you and wish I had met you years ago. We have to make up for lost time. :o)
