Friday, November 5, 2010

My first post

Okay, this is my first post on a blog that I started God knows how long ago and was originally titled "The Vegan Monologues". Why the change? I love cheese and other dairy products too damn much. It's a weakness I've had forever and have discovered that it is the one thing I cannot change. Peanut butter and Jelly with a glass of soy milk just didn't cut it...I need the real thing, probably because it's what I had as a kid and it's now deeply ingrained in my brain...who knows?
As an aside, my original blog was titled "More than words..." and I posted once on it about meeting the most amazing, most wonderful man in the world who has long since become my fiance...I have forgotten the password for that blog, and all of the tools to get it e-mailed to me have failed, so I will copy and paste it here later on. Anyway, hope you all enjoy reading my mindless drivel, which will not be just about being vegetarian, but will be about many other things as well...mainly the random thoughts that float through what passes for my mind.... :o)

1 comment:

  1. I love you baby. And I agree that everything goes better with cheese. Dairy and Cheese. I love cheese. I love you and cheese. In that order. I cannot wait to read more of your meandering missives.
